This animation sequence was a commission from Brady Haran, in collaboration with the University of Nottingham. This was a really fun animation to work on. Definitely channelled my Great British Bake-Off passion into the aesthetic for this one!
I created the assets with Photoshop and Paint Tool SAI and animated them together in After Effects.
‘The Commute’ was a college project where I was given a brief to animate a 2-minute sequence (and to create my own foley sounds to accompany it). This was a fun project that involved me taking too many journeys on the train with a shotgun mic in order to capture one intercom announcement, and to take reference photographs.
It also involved me learning how to use Adobe Animate CC for the first time!
2018 - Game Development
This 2-month project was based on the infamous story of Burke and Hare: Two murderers who capitalised on the high demand of human cadavers for medical research in 1800s Edinburgh.
This project was a re-imagining of this story, with the two characters instead being two disgraced scientists trying to cure the plague, leading to disastrous results. I acted as lead concept artist and helped produce the character designs and opening animated sequence that played at the opening of the game.